Diana Pascos

Emotional Freedom Coach
Mississauga, Ontario
Diana Pascos

Diana K Pascos, an adept Emotional Freedom Coach, seamlessly merges diverse modalities to foster transformative change. Be it individual sessions or organizational collaborations, her aim is guiding you to liberate from constraining beliefs and traumas. Her mission: unveil your genuine self, unlocking a life of purpose and boundless joy. Elevate your organizational prowess with her expertise, backed by certifications as a Strategic Intervention Coach, Advanced Tapping Practitioner, Breathwork Teacher, Mindfulness & Meditation Guide, Reiki & Sound Reiki Master, and Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner.


Areas of Expertise

Emotional Freedom Technique
Mental Health
Emotional Health
Life Coaching


EFT Certified
Sound Reiki Master Certified
Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher
Reiki Master Certified
Beyond Quantum Healing Certified
Breathwork Certified


Breathwork & Mindfulness Workshop: This workshop combines 2 powerful modalities. Use the power of the breath to release stress, calm the nervous system, get out of fight, flight, freeze or fawn and activate the mitochondria (energy centre of the cells). Then bringing in mindfulness to come into the present moment. To bring clarity, focus and creativity. You will practice life-giving tools that can be used daily.

Tapping / EFT Workshop: Backed by science, get up close and personal with Tapping aka Emotional Freedom Technique. A considerable body of research suggests that EFT can effectively reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotional states that often accompany and reinforce limiting beliefs.